


Nurse's Notes: Wine Not.

It is not everyday you'd get to hear thanks and appreciation for your hard work and effort. There will be days (or nights) wherein nurses like me would give 110%, and still feel it wasn't enough. Sadly, you might get to hear a little complain here and a rant there. You just can't please everybody all the time.

But there's this one guy, he was overflowing with joy and positivity that his operation was successful and currently rehabbing quite well. He was initially dreadful of the thought of hospitals, which I can't blame him for, but he did well masking his anxiety and gave his best effort every single time.

I am not the best nurse out there, but I will make sure I'll try to be one every single time. I am not the brainy guy on the university class, but I'll apply my street-smart skills and make things easier in patient care.

It IS hard work. But it is doable.

I could still hear my university professors telling me: 'You're only as good as your last shift. You can always be better.'

We talked about sports, his family, his thoughts on current affairs, his 'very charming' physiotherapist (his wife doesn't know!), and the most 'Brit' topic of all, the daily weather.

The other day before I left, he just went and asked me a random question:

'Do you drink?', which to me sounded like a trick question. Is this a morality test?

'Yeah I do, occasionally with friends.' I thought that was a safe answer.
In which I followed it up with 'So the only problem is to think of every occasion possible.

We both laughed hard, typical guy humour having a banter in a pub.

'Do you drink wine?' Now, that to me sounded like a test of how cultured I am.
(Hint: not much near cultured!)

'Yeah I do, although I'm more of a red wine drinker than white. I like the taste more.' I could sense a trap in my answers there.

'Alright, I'm a red wine kind of guy too. Here's the thing, I want to order some wine, then I want to give it to you. You've been great and have been very helpful and it's the professionalism that made the difference. Is that okay?'

I received cards and some chocolate sweets in the past for gratitude, but wine?! I hope that's a good sign.

More than the wine bottle itself, it was really heart-filling to have that appreciation and satisfaction on the job you love to do. I always believe if you don't have the job you love, love your job.

Thank you, dear sir. I promised him I shall drink it on his behalf since he's not yet allowed to have some sip yet. Of course I thanked him with: 'Wine not!'

1 comment

  1. We really can't please everyone, but I believe that's not really our purpose. If we think about that, we'll just tire ourselves. Anyway, that's great if you received wine. :) Not everyone gets a bottle of red wine just for the purpose of gratitude. More often they're given as gifts for a special occasion.


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