


A Letter To My Future Child


As I am currently typing this in 2017, you are inside your dear mother's womb. Nearly as big as an avocado. I can't wrap my head around that fact and that is purely amazing on its own. By the time you will be reading this, you could be around by the age of 5 or 15 or 25 or. (It depends really, but I really hope you could read normally at the normal developmental stage.) 😆 

Your mother and I do not know your current gender, we will know in a few weeks time, so please do not despair if I am addressing you very generally. (These times, being politically-correct can be very rare.)

I wanted to write (type) you a letter of things that I wanted to tell you. AND most importantly I would not guarantee you that I am right all the time, even though probably I would pretty much let you know that more often than not in the future.

1. Parenting is never easy. 
In 2017 there is no school or degree for parenting. Google cannot be trustworthy. I can try to research on 1000s of tips, but we will still figure a way out to miss out on a few things. It is like building an Ikea furniture. There are instructions, but it will be more than a challenge and one can still screw it up (pun intended.) The point I'm trying to drive at is we will fail you at some point, more often than we want to. This is a disclaimer wrapped with future apologies in advance. But that does not mean we will stop trying to make things right.

2. Your mother is amazing. 
At this time, I am helplessly looking at her with all these weird nuances and symptoms of pregnancy. She feels sick, nauseated, fatigued, weird body pains and lots more. And here I am, absolutely trying to not to mess things around WHILE she still keeps the house from being a wreck and a mess (courtesy of me.)  We are not even talking about childbirth. That's how much true strength, courage, and guts she has for her to have you. 

3. You are our teacher. 
Technically, we are as your parents. But you will teach us that nothing else is more important here on earth than family and home. You will remind us that work is NEVER more important than your milestones, playtime, story time, meal time or anytime. You will teach us to be patient, more kind, more discerning and more loving. Oh, this is a lifetime learning, so please be patient with us.

4. Laugh. 😂
Humour is a beautiful thing, and I will be cracking all the worst dadjokes in the world and I will be filling your day with corny stuff and awkwardness with the signature 'dad dancing.' You may hate it, despise it or laugh with it. Laugh at yourself. There is no better teacher of humility in the ability to laugh at one's mistakes, failures or misfortunes. Laugh heartily and kindly. If you kept your giggles, that gas and smell will find another exit port...

5. Listen. 👂
It is not just you as the receiver or the only listener. Remember that words and thoughts and ideas can affect and influence other people. This is tied closely to thinking before uttering anything else. Listen to those who are smarter than you as you could learn a thing or two. There is a massive difference between listening and hearing. Listening is like hearing with feelings and thoughts.

6. 'You are not your job,  you're not how much money you have in the bank. you are not the car you drive. You're not the contents of your wallet.' - Chuck Pahlaniuk, The Fight Club. 
I always keep that in my head. It's pretty straightforward, do not get caught with the material world. Watch the flick, or read the book. And do not talk about fight club. (It is an inside joke, so you really have to catch up on this.)👀

I just find it really amusing and cute to think I am actually writing you a letter when you are the size of an avocado! ;P

7. Respect is earned, not gained.

8. Read more books. Read the Bible. 
9. Dance. 👯
10. Listen, play and sing to the music.
11. Make memories.
12. Fall in love. 💓
13. Eat healthily, respect your body. But we would probably have more pizza meals than salad nights. Trust me. 🍕
14. Not everything popular or the 'in thing' is good. Trust me on this, I wore elephant pants. 
15. You are a citizen of this world. Not a 'permanent resident.' You will enter this world with nothing and will leave the same way. 
16. Exercise more. When you hit your 30s, you'd feel waking up as if you're in your 60s.
17. Put at least equal amounts of nourishment for your spirit as to your body. 
18. Live with a purpose, do not exist. 
19. Have heart and compassion for the needy, the poor and the sick. WITH equal action and reaction. Anybody can post their thoughts on social media, which is great. But only a few will get things done. Be one of them.
20. Speak and study languages. Not just Filipino and English. 
21. Always remember that without you, we will not be a complete family. 
22. Carpe diem. Tomorrow is never promised. 
23. Continue to enjoy learning. Learning is not contained in the classrooms.
24. Love and respect nature and the beautiful creation around you.🌲🌳🌴🌺
25. Listen to the old and wise. We will be in our 60s by the time you reach my age at this time of writing. I will be definitely old, but if I could be half as wise as I want to be to you, please cherish it.
26. Smile. 😊
27. Say please, sorry and thank you more often. These words can right many wrongs in the world today.
28. Wake up and go to sleep happy and contented. 💤
29. Travel with an open mind, with a cheerful heart and a free spirit.
30. Avoid lists at all costs. (Ok, pun slash corny slash dadjoke slash life irony alert!)

There are many, many, many more things I would like to say to you. I will probably add more on to this list as the days, weeks and years go on. Do not worry, I'd be more than happy to share this with you personally. 

I cannot wait to see you and cuddle you, soon. 
(This line applies to at any point in time, trust me.)

P.S. I am your father. (hint: we'll watch this film together soon). Emojis may cease to exist, but I did put an effort to catch your attention! :)

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